Fearful to Fearless
You’re not sure whether you want kids or not
… because you’re so scared and you’re worried that your fears are getting in the way of you really knowing what you want.
You’re desperate to start a family
… but you’re just too terrified about pregnancy or birth to even contemplate becoming a mother.
You’re about to start the fertility journey
… but you’re torn between fear and desire, and you’re not sure how you’re going to get through it.
You’re pregnant and scared
… you want to stop feeling so scared and panicky, for you and the baby. You really want to enjoy your pregnancy and look forward to the birth.
You’re pregnant…
… you want to guarantee that you have a incredible birth experience and set yourself up for being a fearless mama.

Up to 80% of women experience fear around birth. That’s A LOT, right? 35% of these are experiencing extreme fear (tokophobia). Another boatload!
Tokophobia is a Thing and yet we hardly ever hear about it. It’s really hard to find help and support for it. And NO-ONE UNDERSTANDS IT! A lot of these women end up never having kids, despite it being what they desperately want. Some have repeated abortions of babies they want. Other separate from their childhood sweetheart because they can’t face going through the experience that will give them what they both want: kids. And it is huge contributory factor to anxiety and depression in women.
We know that women who experience fear during labour are more likely to have a longer and more painful birth experience, that is more likely to result in medical intervention. This sucks. Truly.
These kind of birth experiences affect women’s mental and emotional health, sometimes for the rest of their lives. PTSD as a result of birth is more common than it should be. Preparing emotionally and mentally can help to avoid this.
No matter where you are on this journey, shifting from fearful to fearless can change your life.
But that doesn’t mean we have to put up with it.
These fears can be dissolved. Better than that, they can be mined for diamonds.
Diamonds like strength, courage and confidence.
I can help people to overcome their fears.
It’s my DUTY to do so.
Especially when it can have such a far-reaching impact in the lives of women and families everywhere. For years to come.
Who the hell am I to keep this gift to myself?
It IS a gift. And as such it needs to be received with acknowledgement and respect.
Just like any gift.
I will ONLY work with those who REALLY WANT IT and are PREPARED to EARN the attention and care I will give without hesitation.
To earn this attention you need to Do The Work.
Jump in feet first and do WHATEVER it takes to get there.
If you can’t take this seriously, then you can’t expect others too either.
That’s why I I need to know you’re committed.
This is why to work with me, you need to apply. I don’t choose to work with everyone at this level.
It depends where you are on this journey to motherhood….
If you’re not sure whether you want to be a mother you get to DECIDE once and for all: Commit to parenthood.. or commit to NOT being a parent.
If you WANT to be a mother but can’t face even ’trying’ (or the thought of getting off birth control terrifies you) then you get to do that. TRY for a baby with excitement.
You’re pregnant, scared and anxious.
You want to enjoy your pregnancy and look forward to the birth. I can GUARANTEE you will lose the fears.
You’re pregnant and you want to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to have an amazing and empowering birth experience that will infuse your life with unstoppable strength, confidence and courage, then HELL YES!
Let’s DO THIS!
Fearless mama here we come!
Alexia is the most genuine, interested and helpful therapist and coach because she cuts right to the heart of the issue to get the best results.
My husband says it’s the best money we have ever spent. He has noticed a visible difference in me, I’m so much calmer and sleeping better as a result of the work
I used to waken in the middle of the night with panic attacks due to how overwhelmed I felt thinking about having children. I have not felt like this since starting the program which is a huge relief to me.
I can’t put a price on the peace of mind I have gained and the sense of mastery over something I initially thought was incurable.
This is a 3 month deep dive where I take you from fearful to fearless.
Here are the main stops on that journey;
First we unravel the hot mess in your head.
The fears, the conflicts and the self-sabotage.
This is to figure out what’s getting in the way of you being able to experience The Thing you’ve come to me for.
Then I make sense of it and we come up with a plan.
This involves lists. The kind of lists that will CHANGE YOUR LIFE.
Then we clear.
You clear. I clear. WE CLEAR THIS SHIT!
As we clear, more stuff appears.
That’s because we’re going deeper… deeper to the diamonds.
Whatever we find, I make sense of. And we add it to The Plan.
We keep doing this until you’re fearless.
From visceral, deep-rooted fear to elation!
I dived into very challenging yet satisfying work, desperate for at least some respite from being tokophobic. I began to unravel the tight knot of traumas, fears and beliefs that I had about birth and was able to create my own meditations to tackle the above one by one.
Incredibly, I would get a little buzz out of those sessions that would then lighten me up, energise me and give me a completely new perspective on some very touchy subjects.
I now feel that I am the mother my baby needs me to be – strong, resilient, positive and, above all, caring and loving. Who would have thought that I could feel genuinely excited about the Big Day and look forward to bringing my sweet little baby into the world?!
- 6 bi-monthly sessions: these deep dive healing sessions are when we do the deep healing and clearance work together
- Check-in calls whenever you need them: these 30 min calls are for you to get support whenever you need it
- Online resources: These resources are to support you in learning about birth and fear-clearance.
- Additional healing resources depending on your needs.
- Unlimited messaging support via Slack
The online resources include;
- Fearless Birthing: my online self-healing course that teaches you how to clear your fears, overcome tokophobia and anxiety, and prepare for a positive pregnancy and birth
- Fear-clearance meditations: fear clearance MP3s on specific fears that you can listen to that will support you with your fear-clearance work.
- Wound Healing Activations: These potent healing tracks will be for any emotional wounds that we discover as part of our work together.
I used to be a fearful mess in ALL aspects of my life. I know fear well.
I had tokophobia and I know what it’s like. Feeling isolated, alone and like no-one understands me? I get it.
I’ve figured out how to overcome tokophobia. Apparently it can’t be done, but I did and have helped others do it. And do it quickly. A lot of my clients have overcome their tokophobia in less than a month. My work is powerfully efficient. I don’t mess about.
Once I cleared my pregnancy and birth fears, more fears came my way. New ones. They still do.
I walk towards my fears and eyeball them before slaying them. They don’t scare me. I can help you to do the same.
I give a shit and I will not let up. I want this for you as much as you do.
I will call out your blindspots and your BS.
There’s no hiding for your fears and shadow.
I see it even as it tries to hide.
And once it’s been seen, it can be cleared.
I will support you and be there for you the whole time.
You will feel understood and empowered.
And you will come out stronger.
I only work with women who are willing to be 100% committed to the process and my guidance. This is a work is a collaborative effort and requires commitment and a desire to change.
If this is you and you’d like to start working together, then you can get started by signing up below.
If you’re not sure and would like find out if this program is a good fit for you (and if you’re a good fit for the program), then you can book a call using the link below. Once you’ve answered a few questions you’ll get the chance to book some time with me. On that call, if you are a good fit, then we will finalise getting you signed up.
Hi, I’m Olivia and I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m just about halfway through with my first pregnancy!
I’ve dealt with tokophobia since my preteens. I struggled with an undiagnosed heart condition for years in middle and high school which brought about symptoms that mimicked morning sickness. It ultimately engrained a deep distrust in my own body. Compounding with some body dysmorphia, religious trauma, and family dysfunction, I’d been dealing with extreme anxiety surrounding pregnancy for years.
I cannot emphasize this enough: I panicked at any thoughts, sights, and conversations remotely related to pregnancy. I carried the fear and shame with me constantly, and it only grew more crippling as I got married and entered into the typical “child-bearing years.”
My husband and I wanted to be parents, but I felt trapped by my phobia. I didn’t want my life to be defined by my fear, but I felt helpless to conquer it. Out of shear desperation, I started therapy a few years before finding Alexia. Although that was beneficial to some extent, none of the therapists I worked with were able to fully rid me of the biggest issue I came for: my tokophobia.
By some surge of courage, I had pushed through fear enough to conceive, but seeing the test turn positive filled me with panic and internal dread. I remember thinking, “oh sh*t, what have I done?!”
At 3 weeks pregnant, I reached out to Alexia desperate for help. Her unique Head Trash Clearance method and Wound Healings seemed a little foreign at the start and in all honesty, I doubted whether they would have an impact. But knowing she herself dealt with and overcame her own tokophobia had me intrigued.
In our one-on-one meetings, I grew to deeply trust her listening ear to the personal issues that fed my phobia. The personal list of “head trash” she created for me to clear touched on every aspect of my phobia. She was so genuine and encouraging and celebrated any breakthroughs I had, no matter how small.
Slowly, I started to feel better. I began to see so clearly how much my life had always been tainted by the heaviness I’d been carrying around all these years. I’d been ignoring and avoiding things, surviving the best I could in between inevitable triggers and fear that was always there, whispering in the back of my mind. That’s NOT living!
The relief I’ve felt since working with Alexia – it’s priceless. I feel so much pride in myself for taking this leap.
I never thought I’d be excited about being pregnant. I never imagined being able to have open conversations about my pregnancy. I definitely never imagined shopping for maternity clothes could be a positive experience. The list is endless!
Get in touch with Alexia, I promise it’s life-changing!!!
I’ve struggled with my anxiety and OCD for as long as I can remember. I have general anxiety and OCD and when the thought of getting pregnant was a reality I developed tokophobia.
Alexia is friendly, understanding and really cares about your success. She makes herself readily available and is always there for you when you reach out.
I enjoyed Alexia’s way of working and providing the tools you need to clear your head trash. I enjoyed the variety of options there was to this technique by doing working 1:1 with her, to listing to audios.
It was an investment monetary and time wise, but I knew my mental health was worth it. If I added up all those therapists office visit charges and time traveling to the office, I realized that it was no more of an investment than that.
I worked with the Alexia’s methods for 7 months and in the 7th month I feel ready to TTC. I’m easing into it by tracking my fertile period and actively TTC within 1 or 2 days within that window to see how I felt.
To my surprise instead of feeling more fear than excitement, I felt more excitement than fear!